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New teachers are in my estimation the best to work with by Kendrick Hill

With high expectations also comes realization of some of the confinements of the classroom.

I want the teacher to feel that they can have any work-related discussion with me.

As many of my roles as Teacher Leader and Department chair I have had a chance to not only help but to mentor our new teachers at the school. New teachers are in my estimation the best to work with. They come in with new ideas and attitudes without any prejudice of the students and high expectations. I have found it my duty to guide them to their goals. In doing so student benefit from the young vigor of these teachers. I take pride in these teachers meeting with me to bounce ideas around and ask my seasoned opinion on if one will work in their classroom.

With high expectations also comes realization of some of the confinements of the classroom. I have shown these teachers how to be creative in lessons to have students go beyond the classroom in their studies. Also discipline for a new teacher could be one of the most frustrating and difficult parts of the job. One of my best strategies to show a new teacher is to use non-verbal communications with the students. I advise the new teachers not to fall into a habit of raising their voice at students or worst yet making sudden movements towards students to coerce a student to do want they want them to do. These are never good techniques to use in the classroom and will not garner the respect that a teacher is looking for in the classroom.

Last as a department chair I need to make connections with my teachers so that they feel comfortable talking to me. I want the teacher to feel that they can have any work-related discussion with me. I know that I have to be approachable in every way and always have my door open to them whenever they need me. Teachers seek me for advice or just to vent over students and parents. I give sound judgment because I know that my words have a profound effect and could be the difference in a child’s learning.

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